Herdade da Calada

Estrada de Évora/Estremoz, km12 (Évora),7005-837 (Évora)
(+351) 266470030 - (+351) 925990753 (Chamada para a rede fixa nacional)
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Among the hills of the Alentejo region, just 10 kilometers from Évora, we find the Herdade da Calada. Surrounded by oaks and holm oaks, it presents unusual features, the style and excellence of the buildings, which were originally established by the descendants of the Duke of Lancaster in 1854.
Founded in 1854 by the descendants of the Duke of Lencastre, surrounded by cork trees and eucalyptus from Australia, the Herdada da Calada is hidden between the soft hills of Alentejo. Over the years it was targeted by several interventions and improvements, but preserves the beauty and elegance of of the original main building and is today one of the most modern and innovative winery in Portugal, with an enoturism unit, 35 hectares of grapevine, 110 hectares of olive grove, 60 hectares of cereals, 215 of cork trees, a dam and several smaller dams.The Herdade da Calada is a typical alentejana estate, in the Évora district, in the Alentejo Region. It has as a main mission the production of quality wines, but also has a strong agricultural component, with olive oil, cereal and cattle production. The enoturism, here in a traditional version, cozy and familiar, is another of the estate’s sides. Thanks to the vision of the current owners, Maria e Jean-Claude Penauille, that in 2007 bought the estate after falling in love with it and the surrounding landscape, the Herdade da Calada has been transforming into a successful project, nationally and internationally recognized by its high quality wines and olive oils.




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