‘Gamas County’ Route

Vidigueira - Vidigueira
Vários LocaisVidigueira Phone: 284 437 400
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With a Royal decree on the 29th December 1519, king D. Manuel the 1st of Portugal conceded the title of Vidigueira Count to Vasco da Gama, with all the honours, rights and privileges. From that date on the Almirante lived here with his family until his departure to the last India journey, where he died in 1524, in Cochim locality. 

The Route “On the Gamas County” consists of a guided tour to this rich heritage, filled with history and memories, around the Vidigueira and Vila de Frades localities. 
This region provides amazing landscapes, with the lovely Mendro Mountain Range on the northern side, gathering important elements such as roman villaes, chapels, vineyards, and typical rural elements, that are nowadays testimonies of a charming yet difficult recent past.

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