Canas de Senhorim



Canas do Senhorim is a lovely village in the Nelas department, located on a rural region of great natural beauty that charms those who visit it.

This is a region of ancient human occupancy, as some archaeological vestiges show, such as the Pramelas Dolmen and other archaeological vestiges that demonstrate the Roman occupancy of this territory, as well as the Cooper Age vestiges that can still be seen in Corujeira.

The historical references to this village date back to the 12th century, denoting the importance of these fertile soils to human occupancy, that here found the necessary features for its subsistence.
With a charming rural ambiance, the Canas do Senhorim region got in the last century a large development in the industrial sector, nevertheless maintaining its rural and traditional environment until nowadays.

The Canas do Senhorim street maintain its rural-peaceful ambiance of other times, with the typical Beira region granite houses, with two floors, serving as a residence in the first floor, and as commerce, animal keep or warehouse in the lower floors.

The village is proud of its Heritage, that has in the lovely 18th century Mother Church its biggest highlight, and also in other testimonies, such as the Pillory re-built in 1935, and the several Manor Houses that are present throughout the region, showing off the richness that these fertile soils have provided to the Land Lords, leaving a stately architectonic heritage, such as the Abreu Madeira Manor House, or the Visconde de Penalva House.

Quite famous and appreciated are the Carnival celebrations, on a tradition with over 300 years of history, filled with beauty, colour, happiness and enjoyment, gathering many locals and visitors.

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