Cerca Moura - The ancient Lisboa's defensive wall

Lisboa - Lisboa


Nowadays vestiges of the most ancient defensive wall known in Lisboa (named as “Cerca Moura” - Moorish hedge) can still be found. This defensive system would have been built during the Moorish occupancy of the territory, probably between the beginning of the 10th century up until 1147, when the troops of the first Portuguese king, D. Afonso Henriques, conquered Lisboa from the Moors.

The Cerca Moura included in its interior the important Moorish fortress and the Medina, and was built during a great urban and commercial development period, that before had entered a decay period with the barbarian occupancies, up until the conquest of the territory by the Moors in 719.
Some theories say that the construction period of this defensive system would have started during the Roman occupancy of the territory, and used by the Moors.

These days some parts of this wall and some towers are still visible. The Lisboa defensive wall would go from the southern line of the São Jorge Castle up until the surroundings of the Santo António Church, descending straight to the Tejo river.
Much of the wall was afterwards adapted in residences, buildings, on the later wall (named as “Fernandina”), or even got destroyed and vanished.

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