Citânia de Briteiros



The Citânia de Briteiros is situated on a small promontory called Monte de São Romão near the Ave river, in the lovely Guimarães department. This is an archaeological site that dates back to the Celt occupancy of the territory, dating back to the Iron Age and probably inhabited up until the 3rd century.

As other Castros (hill forts) of the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula, this is a fortified settlement, in this case with three lines of defensive walls that probably had around 5 meters long and two meters wide.

Despite presenting evidences of Roman presence by the time of their occupancy of the territory, this settlement has its biggest importance for its features from the civilization previous to the Roman occupany, as for instance the bathhouse with chambers for steam baths and cold water baths.

Other feature of this culture is the defensive walls style, or the circular plan of the houses, yet in the Castro Culture Museum, many golden artifacts, with quite elaborated decorative mottiffs, stone works and instruments used in many activities can be found.

Citânia de Briteiros is classified as a National Monument since 1910.



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