Chaves Roman Bridge ( Trajan )



Situated over the lovely Tâmega river, right in the centre of the Chaves town, this is an amazing Roman monument, also known as “Trajan bridge”.

The monument was built in between the end of the 1st and beginning of the 2nd century a.C., during the Romanization process, which also coincide with the Emperor Marco Ulpio Trajan (circa 53 - 117) domination period.
At this time Aqua Flaviae (Chaves) was an important Roman town, with a great thermal complex, good roads and civil buildings and residences.

The bridge has been through several conservation and restoration works throughout the centuries, being partially destroyed by a flood in the 16th century.

Nowadays only 12 round arches are visible, in an extension of about 100 meters.

On the middle of the roadway are two columns attributed to the Emperors Titus Flavius Vespasianus (c. 9-79) and Trajan. It is thought that these columns were maybe original from the edges of the bridge.

In 2001 was discovered a piece of 50 meters of Roman pavement on one of the bridges accesses, on the Cândido dos Reis street.

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