Aldeia de Soajo

Arcos de Valdevez


Located right in the Peneda-Gerês National Park, the small village of Soajo is a very ancient settlement, situated in a mountain region of great beauty, predominantly rural.
The village is characterized by its granite pavement streets and houses built in stone, where peace of mind rules and time seems to have stopped.

Soajo lived, until about one century ago, in a communitarian regime, with its own rules and activities, a way of self-subsistence in a place with harsh weather and accesses difficulty.

One of the highlights in Soajo is the communal threshing terrace, with an impressive group of twenty-four stone “espigueiros” (granaries), the oldest one dating from 1782. This was the place where the community used to store its corn, mainly maize, which is abundant in the region, and at the top of each “espigueiro” stands a Cross, representative of divine protection for its contents, survival of the community, "our daily bread".

Soajo presents many other highlights, like the main square where the pillory is situated, with an inscription in the top, welcoming visitors, or the lovely Chapel, all surrounded by vineyards, olive and chestnut trees. The rural-popular architecture characterizes the village, with interesting buildings like the Casa da Câmara and Enes House, the various pillories as well as ancient agricultural constructions.

Village of ancient costumes and tradition, presents lovely pieces of handicraft, mainly wooden, woollen and linen products, available in a cosy shop in the centre. The Gastronomy is also quite cherished, with regional products, like the tasty meat of the Barrosã cattle, bred in the mountain pastures, or chicken risotto and the indispensable and quite appreciated green and white wine of the region.

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