Coimbra University



The history of the Coimbra University dates back to the following century of the foundation of the Portuguese Nation, as the University was created in the 13th century, in 1290.

Nevertheless, previously in 1288 was elaborated a Supplication toPope Nicolas IV dated from 17th November 1288 and signed by the Alcobaça, Santa Cruz of Coimbra and São Vicente of Lisboa monks and also by the superiors of 24 churches and convents in the kingdom.

The Pope Nicolas IV Bulla, dated from 9th August 1290, established the “Estudo Geral” (“general studies”) with the Arts, Canonical Law, Civil Law and Medicine departments. Theology was reserved to the Dominicans and Franciscans Convents.

The University was installed in Coimbra in 1308.
During its more than 7 centuries of existence, the University was improved and enlarged and nowadays is also connected to science and technology and to the divulgation of the Portuguese culture in the world, maintaining nevertheless its wonderful stats as one of the best teaching universities in the Country.

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