
Baixa's Roman Galleries

Lisboa - Lisboa
BaixaLisboa Phone: +351 213 227 000
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actualizado 08/06/2017

The monument, rarely visible due to the accessibility conditions, is opened during the day, and visits are guided by properly trained professionals. 
The place is flooded, hence around a month and a half of logistic and specialized work is needed in order to be possible to be visited. 

Discovered during the reconstruction of the town after the great 1755 earthquake and tsunami, this structure would have been a cryptoporticus (dated from the Emperor August epoch (in between the 1st b.C and the 1st a.C centuries), contemporary to other great buildings of the town Olissipo (the Roman Lisboa). 

Due to the big affluence of visitors to the visits, the admission line is closed at 3.30pm, to assure the entrance in the monument. The lines are usually huge, and you may take several hours to be able to get in. 

Be sure you are protected from the sun and have enough water with you!! 

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